09 May, 2006

Wizards at War (Diane Duane)

Wizards at War is the latest book in Diane Duane's (surely that name must be a pseudonym) Wizard series. I enjoyed the first few books in the YA fantasy series, but this one was overly complicated, overly strewn with new characters - the actual thread of the story and the threat to the world was rather lost to me as it divided itself between so many protagonists. 3 out of 5.


Diane said...

Nope, strangely enough, the name is real. :)

Cee said...

Good lord, how embarrassing. Erm. Somehow, I didn't imagine that the authors of the books I so very casually review would ever drift by this corner of the web. I do wish this had been a super-positive review now. Thanks for clearing up the name issue!