10 September, 2005

Blade of Fortriu (Juliet Marillier)

Marillier is an author of Celtic romance/drama/sagas - her first books, as far as I know, were the Sevenwaters Trilogy, and the first book, Daughter of the Forest, was based on the Seven Swans fairytale.

This book is the second in another trilogy, The Bridei Chronicles, the first of which was The Dark Mirror. Bridei is a Celtic chieftan, fighting against the Christian Gaels. The first book told of his childhood, and his friendship and consequent love affair with the otherworldly Tuala, a child of the Fair Folk.

Blade of Fortriu is set during the height of Bridei's military push against the Gaels. The story moves away from Bridei and Tuala, and centres around Faolan, Bridei's Gaelic secret agent, and Ana, a hostage in the court of Fortriu. It's in a similar vein to the first in the series, and to Marillier's other books - romance, passion, swords and magic, with an undercurrent of tragedy, but well written despite these cliched elements.

It was an enjoyable second novel, and I was happily satisfied with the way all the characters developed. I think Daughter of the Forest remains my favourite of Marillier's books though - I have a great fondness for the fairy tale it's based on, and she interprets it well.

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