15 October, 2005

To the Power of Three (Laura Lipman)

Sometimes I'll be reading a whole pile of random stuff on the internet, see a book recommended that seems good, and I'll zip over to my library's website and put it on hold. And then several weeks later, the book will arrive, and I will have completely forgotten where I heard of it, and sometimes why I wanted to read it. This was one of these books.

The story begins with a girl dead from a gun shot wound on a school bathroom floor, another girl in a coma, and a third shot in the foot. It then winds backwards and forwards, leading us gently into the relationship between the girls, and then onwards to what would be their last day together at school.

I enjoyed it, but was a little disappointed with the big reveal ending. I often am, with mysteries. This felt like a beautifully drawn together web for the first two thirds, and then rushed together at the ending. It was a decent read, however, despite not knowing where I heard of it. It's a three out of five book.

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