03 November, 2005

The Jane Austen Book Club (Karen Joy Fowler)

A group of women (and one man) get together once a month to read through the works of Jane Austen. This novel narates each meeting for us, and then follows each character into their lives. Apparently there are plenty of Austen references throughout this book, but I'm sure I didn't catch any of them, not having read or studied much Austen. (One character is a matchmaker, like Emma - that's the only thing that stood out for me).

Despite probably missing some witty references, its a fun book - the characters are well drawn, and I enjoyed their takes on Austen's characters. If you've never read or watched any movie adaptions of Austen, this would not be the book for you. Enjoyable, but II wasn't particularly enraptured, so it'd be a 3 out of 5 for me.


Anonymous said...

i think i gave it about a 2.5. :)

Sarah Louise said...

Oh, this was definately a 4.5, having been in a book club where we had a "token male" and having read most of Austen and having seen the movies. I love your blog, btw!