19 August, 2005

Giants of the Frost (Kim Wilkins)

I've never found the Norse Gods and legends particularly appealing. I'm not sure why - perhaps it's all the fighting. This fantasy novel tells the story of Victoria, a re-born love of one of the Old Gods, and their efforts to find each other again despite the best efforts of Odin, Loki, and various other characters.
It's not great. Not only did I not like the Gods, I didn't like Victoria, and I just didn't enjoy this story. It's cliched, and dull - some nice evocative description, but that's about it.
I was surprised - I expected this to be on par with the other books I've read of Wilkins, but this is more a 2 out of 5 story. Not worth it.


Anonymous said...

Will the sequel be called "Midgits of the Flame"?

Cee said...

*snorts with laughter*