02 August, 2005

The Plan

I've been keeping track of all the books I've read since the beginning of 2004. I'm a fast reader, and I read a lot. During 2004 I was studying, and had the corresponding leisure time. Now, in 2005, I'm working fulltime, but have two hours of commuting time in which to read, and consequently, I'm still getting through a lot of books.

I wanted to challenge myself to read more critically, and in order to do so, I'm going to write reviews of every book I read (and some of the ones I've read before). I find this prospect somewhat daunting, as I've never been particularly eloquent when it comes to describing exactly why I like something, and envy those who are. So this is partly a challenge to myself, to improve my abilities at description and reading with a sharper eye, but it's also simply for fun, and a way to share literary discoveries with others.

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