02 August, 2005

Snow Queen (Mardi McConnochie)

I'm not sure where I heard of this book, but I did put it on hold at the library, so I must have had a reason. Mardi McConnochie is an Australian author, and this book, set mostly in Adelaide, tells the story of Galina, a Russian ballerina and teacher, and her relationship with the younger Teddy.

One of the reviews described above describes McConnochie's writing as "cold", and I would agree - I would read along, not being touched by anything in particular, and then be suddenly pulled into a character's passion or pain. I found it effective for the story she's telling.

I got this out because I have a nostalgic fondness for stories set around ballet dancers, and this didn't disappoint - while the story centres around relationships, there's also a great deal of description of ballet training and touring.

While I wasn't stunned by the writing, or the story, it did draw me in - I'd give it 3/5.

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