20 August, 2005


I finished watching Jersey Girl today, which was an enjoyable gooey and teary film - not at all what I expected from Kevin Smith. And the little girl was extremely cute without being nauseating. Flicking through some of the extra features on the DVD reminded me that I've yet to watch Clerks, despite it being recommended to me as one of his best movies.

I've also recently seen Starsky & Hutch, which was good for low-maintenance laughter. Raising Helen didn't seem to know whether it wanted to be a comedy or a teary drama, but was fairly enjoyable. The first half of Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban was great - dark and brooding, gorgeous visual production. I'm looking forward to finishing that one. And once I got into it, Napoleon Dynamite was fantastic. Definitely worth a second viewing.

1 comment:

Books and Tea For Two said...

Napoleon Dynamite is my favourite! Are there any books you are looking forward to that aren't fantasy-esque? I have started writing in my book blog now, finally!