11 June, 2006

Bookfest loot

I spent a happy couple of hours at the city's biennial secondhand booksale, and came home with a couple of bags stuffed with books. The complete list:-
  1. A pile of food and recipe magazines
  2. Rimrunners - CJ Cherryh
  3. In Conquest Born - CS Friedman
  4. Behind the Scenes at the Museum - Kate Atkinson
  5. The Wind-up Bird Chronicles - Haruki Murakami
  6. Small Wonder - Barbara Kingsolver
  7. Cards of Grief - Jane Yolen
  8. The Mist of Avalon - Marian Zimmer Bradley
  9. Trilogy of Death - PD James
  10. Kushiel's Dart - Jacquline Carey
  11. Post Captain - Patrick O'Brian
  12. HMS Surprise - Patrick O'Brian
  13. The Mauritius Command - Patrick O'Brian
  14. Desolation Island - Patrick O'Brian
  15. The Secret History - Donna Tartt
  16. Murder on the Orient Express/Death in the Clouds/Why Didn't They Ask Evans? - Agatha Christie
  17. The Pale Horse/The Big Four/The Secret Adversary - Agatha Christie
  18. The Clocks/Third Girl/Murder in the Mews - Agatha Christie
  19. Nemesis/Sleeping Murder/At Bertram's Hotel/The Murder at the Vicarage - Agatha Christie
  20. Here on Earth - Alice Hoffman
  21. Grass - Sheri S Tepper
  22. The Crystal Cave/The Hollow Hills/Wildfire at Midnight - Mary Stewart
  23. The Wee Free Men - Terry Pratchett
Some are books I've read and wanted to own, some I've heard good things about, some are authors I wanted to try. A nice pile of acquisitions - I'm pleased. And where are these books going to go, you might ask? I've no idea. Into a box, probably, until we move to a bigger house and I can have a library. With tall, dark bookshelves, leather armchairs, an elegant little writing desk, and of course, shelves and shelves of neatly alphebetised books.

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