20 June, 2006

Peepshow (Leigh Redhead)

I picked this up because... why did I pick this up? Well, an Australian crime writer, used to be a stripper, her main character's a stripper/private detective - it sounded fluffy and enjoyable.

Peepshow was fluffy, but it was enjoyable and essentially well-crafted fluff. I tend to be a bit picky when it comes to crime novels. Reading Peepshow, for example, I didn't give a damn who killed who - I was just enjoying the main character and the insight into what it's like to be a stripper. While reading books by PD James and Ruth Rendell, I'm on the edge of my seat wondering who the killer is - but with books like this, and Kerry Greenwood's detective novels, I tend to read them for the characters and settings rather than the mysteries themselves. Which is not a bad thing - I'd just classify them in two different genres really.

So, Peepshow - 3.5 stripping detectives, I think. Good, light fun - not the sort of novels I'd buy, but I'll definitely keep an eye out for further books in the series at the library.

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