27 June, 2006

Dragons, wolves and S&M

I'm currently in the middle of reading Temeraire by Naomi Novik and Diplomacy of Wolves by Holly Lisle, and indulge in a pleasant little struggle each evening when I take my seat on the train as to which one I'll plunge into.   At the moment, Diplomacy of Wolves is taking precedence, simply because I'm enjoying Temeraire more, and can't bear to finish it and then have to wait impatiently until the sequels arrive at the library.  It's a fabulous, fabulous book. 

I'm also reading Kushiel's Dart in small chunks - it's my bedside book at the moment.  I'm not enjoying it awfully much, and have been guilty of rolling my eyes on occasion - I think that if you're not interested in sadomasochism, or the idea of sadomasochism, Kushiel's Dart doesn't have a lot of appeal.  There's so much S&M sex in it, and the character, by her nature, finds so much pleasure in pain, that you really need to relate to that a little in order to relate to the character and her motivations.  I'm finding it rather impossible, but am persevering, despite occasionally making exasperated outbursts of "Oh, come on - now she's being twirled on a wheel and whipped!" and the like.  I think if it were a library copy, I would have returned it, but as it's a secondhand book I bought, it's going to continue to sit by the bed until I've finished it - or decided to give it away.

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